GoogleAds is a Thief!

GoogleAds is a Thief KabarIslamia

Well, I don’t mind if Google Ads is robbing me in Google Blogspot Adsense such as and My earning drops from US$ 30/month to less than US$ 3/month though the traffic is increasing. It’s Google right’s not to pay me as it should be since I use their platform. Google’s excuse is that my content violating their rules. Yet they keep showing of their ads in my blogs. I guess Google charge its advertisers the same price while paying its publishers 1/10 as it used to be. Since then, I am not very enthusiastic writing in Google Blogspot.

But when Google Ads also put its ads on, suddenly my earning drops a lot. I used to get US$ 100 per month from 1 blog like When Google Ads put its ads in WordPress, just in 3 months my ads earning drop to less than US$ 1 per month.

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